Day 10: An Invitation
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Day 10
When you have surrendered all to Jesus, you can call and the Lord will answer! This verse states, “When you call, or then you will call…” The word “call” carries with it the idea of an invitation. You will call out and invite God into your circumstances.
There have been many times in my life when it felt like God was silent. I called, but no answer. I cried out but did not hear His voice say, “Here I am.” Have you ever felt like that? Does God’s silence mean he isn’t listening? Does God’s silence mean he is not at work? Often God’s silence is less about God and more about us. God is waiting for us to get serious and press into His presence.
Don’t miss the word “then…” at the beginning of verse nine. Something has come before your call and God’s answer. The manifest presence of God does not arrive because we have been distant, lost in our own trouble and throw up a Hail Mary prayer. God is not a cosmic vending machine where we slide in a last minute prayer and out pops a tasty answer that fulfills our desire.
We want God’s investment in our daily life, but we struggle to invest our daily life in Him. God does not desire religion; He desires a broken and contrite heart; a heart that walks in obedience and pursues Him.
This way of understanding God is what we see revealed in Samuel’s response when Saul dismisses God’s ordinances, “But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22
What do you still need to submit to God? Are you walking in complete obedience? Has God spoken and you have yet to obey? Put action to your belief. Take 10 minutes for a moment of isolated prayer – make sure there is no distraction. Pray… listen… invite God into every worry, every concern, every point of stress or anxiety – cast your cares on him, call out, cry out and He will hear.