Day 11 - Kingdom Invasion


Mathew 6:9, 10

“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.’”


In one of the most beloved passages of the Bible, Jesus teaches us how to pray. I’ve deeply pondered this prayer, but one particular sentence has transformed how I pray.

What transformed me: Jesus taught us to pray for God’s Kingdom to come to earth. We are to pray that His will be established on earth as it is in heaven. Have you ever taken time to think about what God’s will in heaven looks like? Have you thought about the Kingdom of God come to reign upon the earth? This is a Kingdom of victory, freedom, health, prosperity and so much more! What an amazing and faith-filled way to pray.

The fervor of my prayers has shifted. I now pray for the Kingdom of God to invade earth—my earth, my community, my life! 

Critical questions:

1. What does my life look like from a Kingdom perspective? Whatever that looks like, I need to pray that way!

2. What does suffering and disease look like from a Kingdom perspective? I need to pray for healing to be released.

3. What has God established in heaven that is directly related to my life? Can a place that is perfect invade my imperfections? Absolutely. 

Jesus, invade my world, invade my heart and release your perfect will in my life! May your Kingdom come and your will be done!


Day 12 - The Manifest Kingdom


Day 10 - Heart Transplant