What is C4 Discipleship?
C4 is a Biblically Based Discipleship Pathway that helps participants deepen their faith, discover their purpose, cultivate an enriched life, and learn how to live a naturally supernatural life.
C4 is written from a Charismatic perspective. This series can be implemented in small group settings, a Wednesday night study, or adult church Sunday schools. Each book is broken into chapters that easily translate into classes.

STEP 1: New Life in Christ
New Life in Christ offers new believers, and those wanting a refresher course in foundations of the faith, four journeys:
Understanding salvation, sin, new life, new power and the Holy Spirit
Understanding how my growth is related to God's word, will and work
Understanding words of prayer, truth, and faith
Understanding siblings, authority and family time

STEP 2: Created
In this jammed packed book, participants drill deep into how God created them and how they can make a difference in their world.
This weekend workshop, or 3-part class covers how disciples:
are uniquely created
naturally gifted
experiences have shaped their lives
unique style makes a difference
are spiritually and naturally gifted (assessments)
fit into the world and culture

STEP 3: Kingdom CORE
In this four-part class, participants are introduced to the leadership development process your church believes in. They are challenged regarding personal standards and life management skills, understanding the church community and values, and understanding why relevance is essential.
• Cultivation: Personal disciplines
• Obedience: Personal standards
• Relevance: A church connected
• Environment: Church culture and atmosphere

STEP 4: Supernatural Culture
In this 6-part class participants learn six ministry "how-tos" every believer should know:
How to lead someone to salvation
How to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit
How to pray for healing
How to hear from God
How to wage war in the Spirit
How to become a disciple-maker
I’m ready for the c4 Discipleship experience!
Pastors Tim & Shelly
How C4 Began
C4 was born from a desire to offer our church a clear pathway for spiritual growth. While I had used other resources such as Rick Warren's material, I wanted a pathway that was driven from a charismatic perspective as well as one that walked people from the foundations of the faith toward a daily life of transformation and power.
It seems fewer and fewer Christians understand the fundamentals of Christian theology. Furthermore, when I asked my Christian friends, "do you know how to pray for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, or how to pray for healing; how to hear from God?" most were unsure. This series establishes the foundation for answering those questions and more.
If you are looking for the following, then this series is for your church!
Foundations class
Teaching identity in Jesus and how God has shaped one's life for His glory
Establishing personal and church standards such as intimacy with God through devotion
Life management skills
How to become a disciple maker
How to live a naturally supernatural life
How the material works:
Please keep in mind that C4 books are printed "on-demand," therefore they take approximately 7-10 working days to arrive.
There are two types of books:
There is a facilitator guide which is a full-color version and includes leader prompts, lesson goals, prep ideas, links and filled-in answers.
Participant guides are printed in b/w to save on cost. Each participant will need a book to make their own, fill in blanks and record what God is doing in their life.