Day 14 - Jesus Could Do Nothing on His Own


John 5:19

“Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”


I love “wow” moments. They hit you out of no where and spin you for a mental or emotional loop. This passage did that for me.

What transformed me: In these verses I caught a glimpse of what fueled Jesus’ passion. He only did what He saw His Father do—He could do nothing else—nothing. I am amazed by that. 

This scripture has changed how I minister. If Jesus could do nothing on His own, what makes me think I can? But oh how often I try? Rather than submit everything to my Father, I need to submit to my Father for everything. Not only do I need to get every que from the Father, I need to be a reflection of my Father’s will and work. If God is not in it, I can’t afford to be.

Jesus gave His disciples another secret of His passion. “I have food you don’t even know about. This food is to do the will of My Father and complete His work.” (John 4:32b, 34). What sustained Jesus? What did He hunger for? What cravings did He have? Answer: To do what His Father asked of Him in every moment and at every turn.

I must ask myself, “Am I doing this for me, or for my Father? Am I building my kingdom or His? Is this worth Jesus dying for?” With those questions in mind, I know I have a long way to go and much to learn. Father, I can do nothing without You.


Day 15 - Live in Power


Day 13 - Anointed to Bring Freedom