Day 5 - Taste and See


Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.”


David was captured in the heart of enemy territory and from that impossible circumstance he wrote this Psalm. He said he felt like a poor man with nothing and yet he cried out to God and was delivered. A radiance covered his face and shame fled.

What transformed me: Two of the most powerful senses we have are taste and sight. Flavor creates the desire for more, and sight fills our senses with wonder. 

This power packed passage fueled my drive to see people captured by a God they never knew existed. It is an invitation that dares people to step beyond doubt, fear and their own limited definition of God. It is an invitation to see the wonder and taste the flavor of heaven.

I want so desperately for the skeptic, the agnostic, the ruined, the desperate, the lost, the secular, the reserved to taste and open their heart to the power and beauty of a God beyond their imagination. It’s almost a dare.

In God are delights, pleasures, blessings, freedom, fulfillment, healing, life and peace. I can only imagine how much more there must be.

Have you recently offered the same invitation to someone you know? What a beautiful invitation! 

Maybe you have been in a season of dryness. A season wherein life is bland and there seems to be nothing on the horizon. It’s time to taste. It’s time to see the goodness of God in a land of overflowing life.


Day 6 - Outta the Mud


Day 4 - One Thing - Psalm 27:4, 6