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We need new years—new beginnings! New beginnings not so we can make a list of resolutions we never finish, or worse yet, guilt ourselves into frustration, but so we can become spiritually refreshed and focused.

Personally, I embrace the newness that comes on January 1st. Yep, I know we could all say that every day is the first day of a new year – I get that, but I’ve found after pastoring for so many years it is important to take advantage of these moments. I always made a big deal out of Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. Why, because our heart and minds as people are captivated by these moments.

The number one strategy to launch a powerful new year in your church is prayer! Many churches have done 21 days of prayer, and I encourage you to do the same. This is a time to challenge everyone to embrace an ancient spiritual discipline – fasting; a practice we have lost and brushed aside. Begin planning now for a 21 Day Launch.

Below are some 21 Day ideas for you to consider:

Preach a 3 or 4 part series.

I’m including FREE 21 days of devotional content from my “Power of One” devotional book. Feel free to use any of this as a series, or daily inspiration for your church (If you would like, you can purchase the book at this link: The Power of One: One People, One Prayer, One Path)

Encourage a 21 Day Devotional Series:

Three critical areas in life to focus on over the first 21 days:

 Prayer for direction for 2019 in the following areas:

  1. Personally (not as a father, husband, wife, mother or friend) you personally.

  2. Marriage

  3. Single (as a single person, what would God be saying to you about priorities?)

  4. Family

  5. Ministry

  6. Work Place, Career, School

Faith in Action:

  1. This year I will discover/re-discover my unique spiritual gifting

  2. Determine my commitment to putting that gift into action in the life of the church and community.

Determine my sacred enclosures:

  1. List, plan, and protect those areas of my life God would designate as sacred. Sacred simply means “set apart as unto God.” These are the non-negotiables of life.” Below are three basics you need on your list. Is there more you need to list?

  2. Personal Prayer Time

  3. Personal Reading (Biblical and Inspirational)

  4. Journaling (SOAP)

It is my prayer that all churches begin 2019 seeking the power and presence of Jesus like never before. May your church, your life, be filled with a renewed passion for intimacy with Jesus!

Tim Johnson