Day 2: Unbinding the Yoke of Control

Is this not the fast which I choose,
To loosen the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the bands of the yoke,
And to let the oppressed go free
And break every yoke?
— Isaiah 58:6

Undo… unwrap… unbind anything that binds you and holds you captive. A yoke was a tool used to harness the power of oxen and drive them to perform a task their owner demanded. A yoke is a power someone or something has over your direction and accomplishments. A yoke is control. Is there anything in your life that is controlling your destiny or fruitfulness? Have you allowed someone to throw a yoke about your neck? 

Ezekiel foretells of a beautiful time when God breaks the yoke of slavery. “Also the tree of the field will yield its fruit, and the earth will yield its increase, and they will be secure on their land. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bars of their yoke and have delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them.” Ezekiel 34:27.


Without realizing it, you can allow others to have control over you. Even from a place of good intent, you can let others control your reason to serve. Other times, due to our failings or mistakes, control is handed over because we owe someone. You can allow your past failures  or what others have said about you, to control your motivations. Have you ever had the thought that you are not talented enough to take that job, or you don’t have enough influence or connections? The enemy can lie and tell you someone else can do a better job, or your dreams have already been attained by others. The lying thought I have often fought against is, “Why pursue something someone else has done better? Well-known leaders offer more than I could ever offer.” The list of lies can bind your mind with a yoke that paralyzes your future and trust in God. You are  unique, called, and given a special gift. Never allow what others have said to diminish God’s gifts and promises to you; that is a yoke that must be unbound. 

ACTION: Identify any yoke you have allowed to be draped over your identity. What cinched down lies need to be unbuckled, loosened, and tossed aside? Have you spoken a limiting yoke over your future? Have you accepted second best rather than God’s best? Find at least two scriptures that speak to the freedom you need. God’s truth is always the opposite of the enemy’s lies?


Day 3: Freedom From Oppression


Day 1: Loosed from Injustice