TeamBuilder Track
Your TeamBuilder Track walks you through 4 key steps to help your church create a team healthy teams. This builder track is paired with the TeamBuilder LT Book.
Each step in this Builder Track contains two sub-steps providing a scaffold on which to create your Team:
Step Objective: This defines the “why” and the objective of the step.
Team Collaboration: This point provides content and ideas your team can use to develop your team. Time to discuss and collaborate!
It is vital you create a healthy foundation for teams in your church. Your potential teams and team leaders may have incredible positivity, energy and knowledge, but they will not lead in the way you want them if you don’t have a map showing the way. This brief online class will help you establish HOW you intend to build your teams.
The thing about teams:
I love teams. I love fresh ideas. I love ideas from a different viewpoint and life experience. Jesus loved teams too, after all he picked twelve for his and they turned the world upside down!
The thing I don’t love about teams is when poor chemistry, pride and lackluster communication crowd out new ideas and energetic drive because people are fearful of criticism or risk. Because of this potential, it is important to begin with prayer, clarity about purpose, and establishing team norms. It is important to believe in each other!
“You will build trust to the degree that the people you lead feel like you are connected to them.”
Teams that get things done do so because trust has been built from the start. I’m not talking about trusting the pastor or another church leader—though that is awesome! I’m talking about trust between team members. Each member should believe that God has given the other member gifts and talents that He can use to make the difference. According to a article, “the best teams are 50 times more likely to consciously work hard to build and maintain trust than the least e ective teams.” Building trust is paramount to your success.
Step 1: Build a Team Foundation
Establish your team’s why and team roles.
STEP 1: Team Why
Before you build your team, you must have clarity about why your team exists and what the end game is. Ask yourself these questions:
Why should anyone risk with me?
How long do I believe it will take to accomplish the goal? Some teams are tasked with a deadline or a season of time.
What are the skills/roles needed to accomplish the task?
When we are finished what results to I want to see?
“Team building created a sense of shared leadership as well as a greater congregational awareness of what was happening in the church and why.”
STEP 2: Key roles that need to be filled:
Rewind to your brainstorming about the team why, and nail down the roles you need to fill on your team? These roles will reflect the talent needed to accomplish your goal. Take a minute to fill out the “Role Specifics” in your workbook — page 7
(Here are suggestions: Planner/administrator, communication specialist, secretary or recorder, prayer warrior, elder, council member or board member, business leader, graphic designer, social media coordinator).
STEP 3: Communicate First Steps:
One of the most exciting dynamics of a team is what each person brings to the table. Everyone has a strength, an experience, and a passion—it’s your job as the leader to celebrate these. Once you have a team assembled, send out an email introducing the team, your why, and the strategic goal. In your email, offer a few dates for your first meeting and ask members to begin thinking about ideas to accomplish the goal.
So far, you have established your “why,” and the key roles you need to be successful. Next, you will call your team together and build a thriving culture. It is imperative to work on culture together. While you may have ideas, when the members of your team create the culture there is greater buy-in and accountability. NEXT IS STEP 2: BUILDING A CULTURE.