LeaderBuilder Track - STEP 4
Step 4: The Skills of a Leader:
how we do the stuff
Create a purposeful and planned process to develop leaders.
There are two umbrellas of development we suggest you consider:
1. All leader skill development: This area of skills development is provided to all leaders in the church regardless of their focus—everyone participates.
2. Personal skill development: Personal skill development is exactly that. It is becoming increasingly more effective to train people based on their strength and specialty. This is where the church should encourage each leader to identify areas of growth they would like to pursue. This could be anything from Online courses to seminars and workshops. The church must invest in individual leadership development! This nurtures self agency and empowerment of personal calling and passion.
Identify key areas of skill development on which your on-going leadership training will focus. Below are four areas to include, but brainstorm others. Room is provided for robust dialog and concrete ideas to pursue.
All Leader Skill Development
We’ve provided four areas for your consideration, but be sure to explore all the options you believe will create the best leadership development plan your church will require leaders to follow. Collaborate on how you will implement each point.
1. Mentorship:
Horizontal mentoring - mentoring peers. Will you require each leader to have a peer mentor? What would that look like?
Traditional mentoring - those younger or less experienced. Here a leader who may be further along in their journey will take a new leader under their wing and pour into them their experience and wisdom.
Upward mentoring - This is an interesting concept to think through. There is such a thing as mentoring those who are traditionally higher up the organizational chart. This means there are times when a less experienced member of the team may actually have more experience in a particular area. It is this experience they can use to “mentor up” with those who are their senior staff members.
Consider providing mentorship opportunities for all three.
2. Communication: What is your expectation for communication between team members, both timely and in method.
3. Organization: What do you use for scheduling and planning? Should it be electronic or physical as well? What is working and what isn’t working? Is there a clear procedure for material/supply/curriculum orders, etc.
4. Spiritual Disciplines: How, on a regular basis, will you implement training and biblical teaching in the following areas:
Regular Prayer
Bible Study
Retreats (mini-sabbatical)
Disciple-making. Who are you discipling — saved and unsaved?
5. Are there another skill areas you believe are important to your team?
PATHWAY STEPPING STONE 4: How we will proactively develop our leaders…