Day 6: Cover
“Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry
And bring the homeless poor into the house;
When you see the naked, to cover him;
And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?”
When I was a middle school teacher I would watch children shuffle down the hall in front of my classroom. Some were well dressed, but most wore well-used and often dirty clothes. It is almost a surety you live near an elementary or middle school. If you stop by the office and talk with the secretary, I can almost guarantee they know of children who need a coat for the winter, clothes for the summer or new shoes to replace those worn through. Is there a homeless shelter where you could connect and provide needed clothes?
ACTION: Jot down your plan to clothe someone in need.
Next, take time to review. Think back over the past few days and ask yourself if you have put action to what the Holy Spirit has impressed into heart.
Day 1: Loosed from Injustice. Identify any injustice done to you and surrender that pain at the cross. Speak to that injustice and loose it from your mind and emotions. Is anything still clinging to your mind?
Day 2: Unbind the Yoke of Control. Identify any yoke others, including the Devil, have placed on you. What cinched down lies need to be unbuckled, loosened, and tossed aside?
Day 3: Freedom from Oppression. Take authority over oppression. Make a list and then speak the name of Jesus (out loud) over oppression. Declare to yourself and your past that those lies and deceptions are broken.
Day 4: Give. Did you identify someone you could give to? Who can you give food, give encouragement, give your talents to?
Day 5: Bring. Is there someone in your life you can invite into your space, your world, and offer them some hope?
Your call today is to put action to these ideas and commit to clothe the naked. The last part of this verse speaks to your family – your own flesh and blood. Is there someone in your immediate family who is in need? Even if there is tension, an act of compassion may be the thing that draws you together in a new and blessed way.