Day 7: A New Day, A New Dawn
“Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.”
Don’t miss the word “then” at the beginning of this verse. Your light will break out like the dawn after you have broken the things that bind you and given to those who are bound. Freedom is never meant to be kept; it is meant to given, and once given there is a new breakout of light in our life.
Darkness is overcome by the dawning of light. The cold of the night washed away by the warmth of a new day. The long silence of sleep awoken by the rays of morning light.
Whose light is Isaiah speaking about? When is this light revealed? “Then your light will break out like the dawn.” This is not the light of God, but your light. Certainly God’s light will shine through us, but in a real sense there is birthed within us light.
“Your life is meant to shine in a world of darkness. As you begin to experience restoration, yours is the light of new things, a light of freedom”
Your life is meant to shine in a world of darkness. As you begin to experience restoration, yours is the light of new things, a light of freedom, a light that illuminates peace in the midst of the struggle, a light partnered with the warmth of hope spoken through you. This light breaks out light like the dawn.
I love the dawn. I love the early morning hours of a new day. We have little sparrows that live in the tree just outside of our bedroom window, and in the early morning I can hear them sing their morning song. The darkness of night fades and the light of a new dawn enters the world to the sound of song.
Interestingly, the world itself doesn’t change, rather the light simply washes over what is present. Your circumstances from one day to another may not change much, but at the dawn of a new day and the breaking forth of light, you can choose to see the hope and beauty that God has created and placed within you. God has already created the day. He knows what you will face and the challenges that will come. A huge part of restoration is setting your heart, mind, and emotions into the hands of God who, with a single word, created the light.