TeamBuilder Track
Step 4: Build a Plan
Your team has been given a goal or a weekly task. The final step in developing a strong team, is working together to create strategic goals that accomplish your task or assigned goal.
Strategic goals should be easy to remember and understandable by everyone on the team. Keep them one sentence long. You can add more detail as an add on, but you should be able sum up the thrust of the goal quickly.
OBJECTIVE 1: Clarify your Team’s Task and/or Goal
You and your team should know, but once again talk about what are you tasked to accomplish. What is the end-goal of your team? Is it to establish 5 new home groups by October 1st? Is it to offer a parenting class to the parents of students at the nearby middle school? Is it the team’s job to open a pantry that serves the homeless?
Brainstorm about ways to accomplish your task. What resources will you need? What strategic partnerships make sense?
OBJECTIVE 2: Get Strategic:
Once you have brainstormed and come up with ideas to accomplish your goal, it’s time to “strategize.” A strategy should include an answer to the following points:
Clearly Defined Goal (you should have this done):
When (start date, end date):
What (what actions will your team take?):
Who (who will be assigned these actions. Who needs to be contacted and included):
How (who will you call, what will you spend, do you need curriculum etc.?):
EXAMPLE: Specific and Timed Action Example: Using our Small Group training manual, Susan will identify and train 5 home group leaders, by August 1, 2020. We will celebrate them into their position by October 1, 2020.
Notice that actions have people’s names associated with them, and they are specific. Don’t underestimate the power of association when it comes to actually getting stuff done!
Make sure to post your strategy in ways that the church can see your progress and your team is energized and accountable.
THIS COMPLETES THIS BREIF COURSE. I hope this has helped you build clarity and strategy for your team’s success. Please give me feedback about ways I can make this course better and send me stories of your success!